雅思口语干货丨不再害怕!事件类话题3招速成!附答案示范 您所在的位置:网站首页 ielts trainer答案 雅思口语干货丨不再害怕!事件类话题3招速成!附答案示范


2023-04-05 10:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本期呢,JoJo为大家邀请到了咱们必有达人的王慧雨老师, 为大家带来一期雅思口语真题解析,大家认真往下看哈!

王慧雨 必有达人阅读教研组长




Describe a difficult thing/problem/challenge that you did well

You should say:

What it was

How you did/completed it

Why (or how) it was difficult

And explain how you felt after you did/completed it.












Sample answer

Speaking of a challenge which I did well↓, I’d like to talk about my first time travelling abroad on my own when I was in junior high↓. I was invited to pay a visit to my aunt’s place during a summer vacation↓, and because my parents were fully booked up at that time↑, I had no choice but to fly to Canada all by myself↓. It was quite a brave decision since I had zero experience in taking long journeys↓. The longest one that I had had↑ was taking a city bus to my grandparents’ house 20 kilometres away from home↓. My parents, though↑, thought it was an excellent opportunity for me to develop some survival skills↑, and to be more courageous↓.

I clearly remembered that it was sunny and warm when I set off↓, which I think really helped raise me up↑ and keep me calm↓. I needed to take a train first↓, it was somewhat easier than I thought↓, thanks to the big screen I saw as soon as I set foot in the station that showed which waiting room I should go to↓. Besides↓, it was not much trouble to go through before entering the train car and found the seat↑, compared to all the preparations before boarding a plane↓. After I arrived at the airport↓, by the way↓, it was the first time I actually personally be at the airport↑, I was shocked at its size↑, its complexity↑, and what should I do first to get everything right↓. At that time↑, I decided not to trust myself but to seek help↓, especially from professionals↓. So I managed to find a service counter↓, carefully and meticulously noting down everything I had to do before boarding↓. Thanks to the instructions they gave me↓, I finally made it↓.

I was quite proud of myself at that time↓, but now thinking back on this experience↑, it made me realized how important it was for a newcomer to accept his or her ignorance and get help from others↓.








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